Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Creation To The Cradle

From the creation to the cradle God has been desiring a relationship with humanity. From in the beginning to a journey to Bethlehem, God has been providing ways back into this relationship. Adam and Eve had it made. They had a perfect environment, a perfect relationship, and a perfect eternity but more is what they wanted. Out of love for them God banned them from the garden. If they had eaten from the tree of life and death while in a sinful state they would have become immortally separated from God, who did not desire this.

God has been working through humanity to provide the pathway back to Himself. He salvaged humanity through Noah. He called out and blessed Abraham. God provided the Ten Commandments and Mosaic law. The entire sacrificial system was designed, if done properly, would provide atonement.

But humanity wanted more.

Humanity wanted to have the atonement coupled with the freedom to behave as they wanted rather than what God wanted. Prophets came and went, each trying to share the message of loving God and walking with Him. Yet, humanity mocked and killed them.

The He chose a young girl to carry THE child. She would give birth to the One whose sole purpose was to die to carry our sins away once for all. God loved humanity. Jesus loved humanity enough to become a baby. He left all that He had and become nothing in order that we could return to the family.

The cradle offers us help today and hope for tomorrow. The cradle reveals a birth. It also leads to new births in us as well. May we want for no more than a new life and hope in a relationship with God through Jesus.

From the creation to the cradle. God wants a relationship with you.

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