Set Apart, A Review
Who wants to be blessed? Who wants pure unadulterated joy? Did you know you were designed for both? These are questions that author Jennifer Kennedy Dean answers in her new study called Set Apart. This 6-week study explores how the Beatitudes and Lord’s Prayer can set us apart for God’s power and our true happiness. Through exploration and identification of Old Testament covenant principles and practices, Jennifer Kennedy Dean prepares you for the reality of God’s design as Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Each portion of Jesus’ teaching is explained with a wonderful balance of exposition and application.
Too many people wander through life without knowing for what they were designed. It is critical for everyone to know how they were wired and for what reason. In Set Apart, the answers become clear. The life we were meant to live, and have, after salvation is revealed through the teaching and example of Jesus Christ. We were set apart for something special. This 6-week study will help you identify how to receive the power of the Spirit of God for your life today!
Choose life. Choose joy. Become set apart through the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
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